Sunday, March 2, 2008

Things that make me happy: part 2: random stuff

This was going to be my final segment, but for some reason it came together before the other parts. And I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, so at some point there will probably be a "Things that make me happy:part 2: random things: the sequel."

My new shoes -
It's materialistic, I know, but I can't help it! It's rare that I like shoes (this is only the 2nd pair I've been this crazy for)... and these are pretty hot. And I think things are "hot" even less often than I get excited about shoes. (I think my feet and ankles look deceptively skinny here....)

the innards of warm cinnamon buns –
I don
’t think there’s much more I need to say. They’re warm and cinnamon-y and doughy and with just the right amount of icing (just a little). The other day after I scheduled a frightening dental procedure I immediately went and bought an Entenmann’s Ultimate Super Cinnamon Bun and stuck it in the microwave when I got home. The last bite... heaven. Ya know those commercials that say “chocolate is the 8th wonder of the world, warm chocolate the 9th”? They couldn't be more wrong. The 8th AND the 9th are totally the innards of warm cinnamon buns. Cinnabons are also pretty awesome.

Food in general.--
And unfortunately you can tell from my multiple squishy parts. To list all the specific food I enjoy would be silly. So of course I’m going to try. Swedish Fish, Chex Mix, California Pizza Kitchen’s Sausage, Pepperoni and mushroom pizza, dried pears, Chinese, Thai, India (especially that one dish from Passage to India… that chicken in the red buttery curry sauce, yum!), bread pudding, peanut butter, roasted red pepper & tomato soup, dark chocolate… there’s much more, but I don’t really need to think about it right now…

Running –

I know! It's craziness! I recently began attempting to train my self to run. At this point my progress is still pretty laughable, but I
’m progressing! I never would have believed it, but the other day I had about a half hour long CONVERSATION about running. My friend Jen asked if I’d like to join her for the Titusville, NJ 5k in March. I don’t think I’ll be able to do it. Jen’s always been the more athletic one, but my confidence was bolstered when she told me of her experience last year…I didn’t get the details, but it involved an elderly gentlemen in a blue spandex suit speedwalking past her.

books and people who read them --

I LOVE books. I buy them faster than I can read them. Someday when I have my own house I want a library room filled wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling with book shelves... that just so happen to be filled with books. I recently had a discussion with my parents about the “dumbing down of America.I think it was after my dad saw a news story in response to an episode of “Are you smarter than a 5th grader” with Kellie Pickler as the contestant. My dad was surprised to hear in the news story that a large portion of Americans don’t even read one book in a year. I guess it’s a generational thing, because this is nothing new to my ears. I know tons of people who have never read a book for their own pleasure… which means, I can assume, once they left school, they never picked up another book. And even that might be too generous. I’m willing to bet many of those people rarely read books even while at school. My point is… I love books. And I love people who read them. This may be where I’m most prejudiced. (hey whether we want to admit it or not, we all are in some way.) I make assumptions about people who don’t like to read. Sometimes I’m right, sometimes I’m wrong. So I guess it’s safer to say I like people who read books. In fact I may as go so far as to say I adore people who like to read books. I don’t know what it is. I guess I figure it says a lot about a person's character. Sort of like how people who like/are kind to dogs. I dunno. but I don’t think there’s much that could make me like you more.

Naps --
From the time I finally was old enough not to be forced to take naps until I left college I NEVER napped. It wasn’t until I was living on my own
(more or less) in Virginia and had a job with completely random hours (sometimes leave at 9:30PM one night and then have to be there before 6AM the next morning. And of course it was around these types of days that there would be some kind of crisis at the apartment, but that‘s another story.) Naturally one day, I started napping. It was usually during one of my Scrubs marathons. It was so weird at first since, as I said, I hadn’t really napped since I was about 5. Yes, I can be kinda grouchy and out of it for a while after I wake up from naps, but when my alarm goes off in the morning, the first thing I think is: What’s the earliest I can take a nap? And then… I’m happy.

It took me a while before I realized it, but apparently I collect quotes. Many of my books are dog-eared, or there are lists of page numbers, I’ve got a few notebooks with quotes from songs, movies, plays, tv, essays, the radio, people I know, newspapers, even one from a video game I played long ago (The quote is still one of my favorites : ”…The two would never be separated, and some say they are still together, up among the stars, where hamsters are giants and men become legends.” Of course it makes no sense unless you know the game). But I think my favorite is from Castaway: “And I know what I have to do now. I have to keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?”

I think it’s pretty obvious. I mean, I majored in photography. I don’t think I can really describe how much I enjoy wandering around with a bag full of cameras (especially in foreign countries), or working in a darkroom. (I’ve never admitted it to anyone but when I’m there alone I sometimes sing. Out loud. It’s terrible. … oh and I think the dark room in college was haunted, but that is also another story.) I’ve learned to love sitting in front of a computer to work on photos too. Gotta change with the times, I guess. (even though some of the changes aren’t that great… like Polaroid not making film anymore! Gasp!) Sometimes hours will disappear without me even noticing. It’s frustrating as hell, but I still love it. Oh yeh, and you can buy it. So…. buy it.

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