Tuesday, May 6, 2008

When ya gotta go, you gotta go...

...to a concert alone, that is.
I attended a National show this past weekend. I was all set to write a nice blog about it, but then I lost... well, let's just say I lost steam. So here are a few of the highlights. or at least I think they were. I only wish they'd done Geese of Beverly Road, or perhaps Lucky You, but that's okay... they played almost all my favorites otherwise. The videos aren't the best, but they ain't bad either!

They opened with Start a War

Apartment Story

Squalor Victoria, which I never really liked until I heard it live.

And they ended their second set with About Today... the perfect ending...

*Sigh* Happiness. Yeh, you people who bailed on me, you missed a good time. Especially when I knocked over a section of seats. I rock.

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